Power BI Licensing Basics
Microsoft Power BI Licensing Basics Introduction Microsoft Power BI's licensing has evolved over time and can be a bit confusing. The goal of this post is to clear up the confusion. Power BI Publishers vs. Consumers Within your organization there will typically be two categories of Power BI users: publishers and consumers. Publishers are creating reports using Power BI Desktop and publishing them to the Power BI Service. Consumers are viewing the reports and dashboards on the Power BI Service and interacting with them. Licensing Requirements Each publisher will need a Power BI Pro license. The licensing for consumers is where it gets more interesting. Each consumer also needs a Power BI Pro license, unless the report is in Power BI Premium capacity. In that case, consumers just need to be assigned a Power BI Free license. Power BI Premium When you purchase Power BI Premium, you are buying capacity in the Microsoft Azure cloud, not a l...